The day started out a bit foggy and pretty light on the winds. The previous night we picked out a couple of spots to bail just in case the weather got crappy. Mostly we had good luck, and didn't have to use any of them. We hit the rapids at Johnstone just right and managed to make about 10 kts over the bottom for about an hour. We even surfed through some big standing waves as we moved north. It isn't that scary when the wind isn't frothing. That night we anchored at Matilpi (or Indian Islands). We had the place all to ourselves and enjoyed exploring the white shell beach. We were a little bit nervous since our charts and GPS didn't seem to agree well. Just for kicks, I took the GPS to a couple of the exposed rocks and compared them to the chart. Not surprisingly, they were off by about 30' Of course that made me nervous since a rock was supposed to be awash and within our swing if the wind shifted on us. So as an added bonus I took the lead line out and did some impromptu sounding. I never could find the awash rock. So much for charts. It is a wonder that we haven't run into more rocks!

Entering Johnstone
The Anchorage and Beach at Matilpi (Indian Islands)
Andy and Bruno Going for a Row at Matilpi
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