Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Next Leg: Bellingham to Seattle

This video is in HD if you have the bandwidth

Philippe and I took a couple of days to bring Kalliope from Bellingham to Seattle. At first it looked like we were going to have a recap of our gale sail. We started out with the wind humping and quickly buried the lee rail. The wind was at our nose and it was raining. It looked like it was going to be a long day. But, the wind just kept on clocking from the southeast to the northwest. The weather got better and better and the sun finally came out. Overall, a pretty damn good sail.
That night, we hung out in Port Townsend visiting some good friends. The next day we stumbled out of our bunks for a quick breakfast downtown before heading south to Seattle. There was not much in the way of wind and the tide was on our nose. A pretty long slog down to the ship channel. Then we had to hemm and haw while we waiting for the locks. After eight hours, we finally tied up at Swiftsure Yacht's docks. A fun trip. I'm going to miss that boat.

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